TenneT NL
TenneT Netherlands
Utrechtseweg 310
6812 AR Arnhem
E: BSP@tennet.eu
For becoming a BSP and delivering aFRR via the CBP and aFRR information
E: mascha.peper@tennet.eu
General CBP information
TenneT DE
TenneT Germany
Bernecker Strasse 70
95448 Bayreuth
E: mascha.peper@tennet.eu
General CBP information
Bleichemattstrasse 31
P.O. Box
5001 Aarau
T: +41 58 580 21 11
E: evangelos.vrettos@swissgrid.ch
For inquiries related to the pilot project(s)
E: stavroula.margelou@swissgrid.ch
For inquiries about the FCR operationalization project
E: marek.zima@swissgrid.ch
For general inquiries
Terna S.p.A. - Rete Elettrica Nazionale
Roma - Viale Egidio Galbani, 70 - 00156
T: +39 06 8313 8111
E: fabio.dininno@terna.it
T: +39 06 8313 8286
Stakeholders relations
Austrian Power Grid AG
Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD Tower)
1220 Vienna
E: info@stromausgleich.at
For becoming a BSP and delivering aFRR via de CBP
E: martin.cichy@apg.at
For General CBP Information and Questions regarding the project and APG
TransnetBW GmbH
Osloer Str. 15-17,
70173 Stuttgart
T: +49 170 844 8442
E: a.jung@transnetbw.de