Equigy’s response to the consultation on the Network Code on Demand Response
The EU-wide network code on demand response has been subject to public consultation until 31 October 2024, to which Equigy has provided its response.
Equigy Statement
Small, distributed resources are perfectly able to provide load-shifting services, therefore contributing to the flexibility needs of the system. The key to enabling a massive participation of small, distributed resources is to reduce what economists call transaction costs. The term “transaction” encompasses everything from registration, to bidding, to activation and settlement.
In this context, Equigy welcomes the draft document of the Network Code on Demand Response, as it represents an important milestone in enabling the participation of small, distributed resources in the energy markets. In particular, Equigy welcomes the proposed Flexibility Information System which establishes a single and common access point for all market participants at Member State level. However, Equigy sees a risk in decentralizing the flexibility information system through multiple SP modules and multiple CU modules, leading to ICT fragmentation and to the proliferation of different platforms at national level.
Equigy also highlights that the new Network Code is an opportunity to accelerate the rollout of standards for data exchange. To this end, the NC DR should mandate a reasonable timeline for implementing existing standards for the data exchange between BSPs and TSOs.
Finally, Equigy highlights that the processes for the implementation of new standards are lengthy and complicated. Therefore, Equigy recommends that this network code ensures standardization is being directly addressed in the network code.
Equigy’s complete cover letter
The full Equigy’s response to the consultation
The original piece to which Equigy responded
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