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Post News Aggregator, Crowd balancing, TSO June 27, 2022

Giessenwind wind farm delivers regulating power to TenneT using Equigy crowd balancing platform

Dutch energy supplier Scholt Energy and Enervalis, a supplier of energy management solutions, are bringing wind farm Giessenwind on the market for regulating capacity (aFRR) of Dutch grid operator TenneT from mid-July 2022. This makes the wind farm the first decentralized renewable energy source of Scholt Energy to supply this specific power to TenneT, using the Equigy crowd balancing platform.
In 2018, TenneT started a pilot with seven selected parties, of which Scholt Energy, in cooperation with Enervalis, was one. The number of decentralized, renewable energy sources is increasing rapidly and therefore become a viable CO2-free alternative to maintain the balance between electricity supply and demand, thus ensuring that the electricity grid remains stable. Last summer, the pilot phase was completed and showed that decentralized energy sources are capable of providing regulating capacity for grid balancing.
With the Giessenwind wind farm, near the Dutch village of Giessenburg, Scholt Energy and Enervalis are now the first to succeed in deploying a decentralized energy source to TenneT’s production environment via the Crowd Balancing Platform Equigy. Not only will this contribute to the energy transition, but it will also help create an additional revenue model for wind energy producers.


Communication Technology

During the pilot, new data communication technologies were tested that should enable TenneT and suppliers of flexible electricity generation to exchange the information required for balancing the grid. This was facilitated through the blockchain-based Crowd Balancing Platform Equigy. Equigy also enables smaller power producers and socalled ‘prosumers’, to offer their electricity for grid balancing and be financially rewarded for doing so.


Reducing overproduction

Every four seconds the wind turbines report to the Enervalis software platform what the current production is and what the expected production will be, based on the wind speed. If regulating power is delivered to TenneT, these two values deviate. Periods of overproduction on the grid – too much electricity input relative to demand – can be reduced with this form of regulating capacity. A small part of this is now also done with the help of wind farm Giessenwind. Incidentally, this technique can also be applied to solar farms. Instead of the wind speed, the solar power is then taken into account.

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